How to get a phone on contract in Sweden

I came to Sweden this time with an ingenious plan to get an iPhone, I checked the options, asked friends around if I need to be employed to get a contract (as it apparently is in Poland, or was). It seemed possible. All I needed, I thought, was a Swedish civic number. But I planned to get that one anyway.

I’ve waited quite a long time to get my civic number, because migration board messed up and lost my residence permit. During the time I waited for my civic number I was asking in Telia shops what do I need to get a phone on contract and whether the phone I want is available or will be available again. They asked me how long I have been in Sweden, I said one year, and apparently that was enough to fulfill the requirement. Once I finally got my Swedish civic number I marched into the local Telia shop… just to be told I need to wait 7 months!  Apparently, it doesn’t matter how long I have been in Sweden because my number has been registered only one week, not one year…

Meanwhile, in November my phone broke down, so I was particularly desperate for a new phone. And new iPhone 5S has just been released in late October, and the contract price on it was same as on older models. But I couldn’t do anything. I needed to wait 7 months. I found some Chinese double-SIM crap phone on eBay with an intent it’s gonna let me survive next 6 months. I really dislike Android (personal preference, I just don’t like it…) but that was the only option, and if I were to hate it anyway I’d rather pay very little. Neadless to say, the phone is really crappy, texting on it is excruciating, screen is terrible. But it filled its purpose – I hate it, I don’t feel bad about discarding it.

7 months passed 2 weeks ago. Today I finally made another trip to Telia, believing now I finally can get my iPhone. I wait 30-40 minutes in a line in Telia shop. Finally my number is called. I go to the desk. I say I want a phone on a contract. I get asked for an ID, I give my Polish (EU) ID… just to hear it’s not valid because it’s not a Swedish ID. And that the need a Swedish ID according to the rules because other might be fake. Seriously?! I travel with that ID, thanks to that ID I got a bank account, and basically everything. It’s a EU member country ID. It just doesn’t make sense.

So I’m unpleasantly surprised again. As I walk away from the counter the Telia assistant wishes me a nice day. I go to Skatteverket to ask about a Swedish ID. Apparently I need to pay 400 kr to get it done and I need a valid passport issued after 2007. I don’t remember if mine is.

On the way home I decided to go again to another Telia shop and ask one final confirmation of what I need to finally get the phone. Again I waited probably 30-40 minutes. Then I hear I need to be registered for 8 months, not 7 but the clerk is not sure. He says that’s all I need. He asks me for my ID. And there it goes again… Then I remembered to ask about the procedure online. I asked if I then need to scan my Swedish ID? And apparently all that’s needed is some bank ID I get from my online bank. What?! Why can’t they accept anything other than Swedish ID in a shop if they can accept some online bank ID?

Oh well. Now, I’m confused whether it’s 7 or 8 month. Either way 8 months is gonna be in 2 weeks. I’m waiting for the next portion of problems. Why can they never give me full information at once, a clear requirement of what I need? Heh. I’m giving up on choosing my number. Gonna order online and hope I get something decent.

2 thoughts on “How to get a phone on contract in Sweden

  1. Breno says:

    Hi Justina! I really like your blog, i’m going to Umeå in august and reading your blog helped me a lot to have some information of Umeå. You are doing a great job!

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