New Twitter

I decided to create a twitter account to accompany the blog, since recently I didn’t really have that much time or strength to type longer blogs. And I’m also lazy when it comes to importing pictures on the computer.

Also, in many cases there’s just no sense of blogging about making food or doing laundry, but I still like to report that kind of things, and that’s what twitter is for. I also do not feel like cluttering my personal twitter with all such stuff.

Unfortunately, my phone is stupid and iPod doesn’t have wifi or camera in the first place, so as much as I would like to share a whole bunch of pictures I can’t.

Anyway, there’s a 5 recent tweets feed in the sidebar and a link in the header. Surprisingly, the twitter is called andiminsweden.

I got some proper blog entries to write. I just gotta find motivation to actually spend time typing them.

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